Cori Bush tweeted the following:
"Many HBCUs are underfunded, causing more students to have unmet financial need.
Black students borrow 25% more at HBCUs than at other colleges and universities."
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Here are other recent tweets from Cori Bush:
"Systemic racism and equity in our education system leads to Black borrowers owing 50% more upon graduation than their white peers.
Making Black borrowers more likely to accumulate more interest and default on their payments."
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Making Black borrowers more likely to accumulate more interest and default on their payments."
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"For Black & brown communities, college degrees are marketed as solutions to escaping poverty.
Student loan debt punishes Black borrowers for pursuing education through predatory loans & compounding interest.
on how the student loan debt crisis is a racial justice issue:"
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Student loan debt punishes Black borrowers for pursuing education through predatory loans & compounding interest.
on how the student loan debt crisis is a racial justice issue:"
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"Student debt cancellation would transform lives.
Tell @POTUS what student loan debt cancellation means to you:"
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Tell @POTUS what student loan debt cancellation means to you:"
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